Okay, some might say that Triathlon's costumes are a little ... well, tacky. Dennis Rodman might look at one and comment "Isn't that a bit flashy?". Well, Mr. Blackwell may say "Triathlon's costumes look good only to Daredevil!" but I say "At least he's got a lot of them!"
This is what Triathlon was wearing when we first met him back in Avengers #8. Be honest, if this was your blind date and you saw him coming up the walk, would you even answer the door? No wonder people are shooting at him! What, did he go into "Costumes-are-us" and say "Give me something with a Christmas feel! Oh, and I want the biggest goggles you got in the place!!" You'd think a guy with 3 times the eyesight of a regular human wouldn't want to see the world 3 TIMES AS GREEN! Look at Captain's America's revulsion at the costume ... like that guy can talk!
Okay, that first outfit was before Triathlon got his hero legs under him. He was still new to the spandex crowd and needed to find his niche, costume-wise. Uh, apparently he's still looking. This is his outfit circa Avengers #15. Gosh, he's just as pleased as punch with his new duds, isn't he? Check out the "YIPPEE!!" expression on his face! Obviously he hasn't seen a mirror yet!
In Avengers # 27, Triathlon wisely decided to dump the goofy goggles. Perhaps he wanted to take full advantage of that enhanced sight of his without the world looking immersed in lime Jell-O. And someone finally told him the 80's were over, so he shaved off the Kid 'n' Play flat top. My, what a "come hither" pose. You can just hear the Barry White, can't you? Aaaah yeah!
On a serious note about Triathlon's costumes. I'm sure it's not a mere coincidence that the colors he wears coincide with the African-American flag. If Marvel plays its cards right, this guy could be a cultural icon! For those of you unfamiliar with the African-American flag, here's an image of it and a legend as to what the colors symbolize.
Red is for the Blood of the people.
Gold is for the Value of the people.
Green is for the Earth
Black is for the Color of the people.